International Accordion Festival
Festhalle Sempach
19 May 2024, 11–23h

The programme
Several repeating sessions every 30 min.
Regional Swiss German JAO
Accordeonova from Denmark
Followed by a performance from Ishøj Accordion Ensemble
Austrian Accordion Orchestra
Mahatma Costa
Chilean Accordion Orchestra
Gala evening
Mahatma Costa – Solo Accordion Performance
Swiss Accordion Orchestra (SAO) – Conductor: Lionel Chapuis
Swiss Youth Accordion Orchestra (JAO) – Conductor: Julien Tudisco
World Accordion Orchestra (Chile, Denmark, Austria, Switzerland)
Starting at 19h00
Evening concerts
The festival is presented by the
Swiss Youth Accordion Orchestra

Inspiring young accordionists to make music
Since 2012
The JAO (Youth Accordion Orchestra) is the national youth accordion orchestra in Switzerland and is open to young people and young adults between the ages of 18 and 30. Its aim is to bring together young people and young adults from all regions of Switzerland. It offers the opportunity to overcome language, cultural and educational barriers and contributes to a better sense of understanding.
It sets standards in youth orchestral work and represents the accordion at national and other prestigious events in Switzerland and abroad.
The JAO sees itself as a training orchestra for enthusiastic, inquisitive young people.

Support the festival!
The aim of the International Accordion Festival is to organise a public cultural event for the general population around Sempach and the entire accordion scene in Switzerland. We cultivate friendships, make music together and let everyone take part in it.
To make the festival a great success, we need as many helping hands and supporters as possible. If you or someone you know would like to actively contribute to the success of the festival, there are several options:
- Become a patron and support the JAO and the festival with a donation of CHF 200. This will give you free entry to the concerts and you will be invited to the annual sponsor’s dinner.
- Donate a voluntary amount to support the JAO and the festival.
- Sign up as a volunteer for the festival and thereby make an important contribution.